Access To Tech Through The Ada Program

Access To Tech Through The Ada Program

Your pathway to a successful career in tech.

Tech is one of the fastest-growing sources of wealth in our societies today. Unfortunately, a lot of youths get quite confused when it comes to gaining access to tech and choosing their career paths as well. This article will expose you to the right information and guide you through the required path to success.

What will people of the future think of our world when they look back at 2023?

In the same way, we think technology has improved massively over the last decades. So, if you intend to be a part of this improvement, then you have to key into the advancement model. A wise person once said you have to learn, unlearn and relearn. There are a lot of routes to get into tech, but not all provide you with the right skill, which is why the ADA program from a grand-level structure presents a more dynamic approach to a successful tech transition.

As someone with a burning desire for tech, all you need to do is apply via a provided web address, and accurately fill out the form. Before submitting the form, it is very important that you select your track, i.e., your chosen career path in Tech. e.g., Data Science, Front End Development, etc.

Make a non-refundable commitment deposit of N7,500 (may vary with time) and then you’re good to go. Once you’re signed up, you receive a welcome email, which contains your login details and unlimited access to the Learning Management System (LMS). Sign on to the Learning Management System to view your uploaded study materials.

Next is to sign up on slack which is the interactive platform where all enrolled students get to share their thoughts and challenges. Facilitators also share information using this platform. Upon completion of this setup, you can now follow up with the subsequent guidelines that would be posted on the LMS. These include rules and regulations guiding the community, Instructions on how to secure your membership ID card. Etc.

Interestingly, all of these processes take less than 72 hrs to complete, once you can stick to the rules and ace your results, then you should be a graduate in eight months. Also, you stand a chance to get hired by a Tech company which would help to sharpen your skills in the Tech industry.

It is pertinent to note that the ADA program is basically for the female gender, but allows a five percent male across all cohorts.