Different Elements In Markdown And How To Use Them

Different Elements In Markdown And How To Use Them

Markdown is a lightweight markup language used to format and style plain texts. It is widely used on popular platforms like Reddit, GitHub, stark Overflow, and some content management systems that also support markdown as a way to create content.

Markdown is often used to create documentation, README files, and other types of content that can be displayed on the web and can also be converted to HTML.

Below are examples of markdown texts and how to use them;

Bold - to use the bold, simply add double ** at the beginning and end of the text or sentence.

Eg. This text is Bold

I also saw from further research that double underscores (__) at the beginning and end of text can also make it bold, though not included in the lesson.

Italics – to italicize a text or sentence, simply add an underscore at the beginning and the end of the text or sentence.

Eg. This text is written in italics

To make links – There are two types of links in markdown, first is the inline link. We wrap the texts in brackets to add an inline link and then use parenthesis.

Eg. [Click here to view the page](www.link.com)

While to add a reference link we put the address name and the link in square brackets and then use a colon to link the address.


[for best shows click here][best shows]

[to watch the shows click here][watch best shows]

[best shows]: www.bestshows.com

[watch best shows]: www.watchbestshows.com

Header – there are six ways to indicate headers and this can be done using a hash sign at the beginning of the sentence or text.







The size of the header is determined by the number of hash signs with one hash sign being the largest header and six hash signs being the smallest header.

Images – to add images, simply add a ! at the beginning of a text written in a square bracket, followed by the link to the text written in a bracket.

Eg. ![image](http://image.com/photos.png)

Alternatively, for reference, add the ! at the beginning of the text written in block letters, followed by the name in block letters. Thereafter, add the link to the image in brackets after a colon.


![Nice car][image]

![Car gallery][pix]

[image]: http://image.com/photos/Nice-car.png

[pix]: http://nicecar.com/pix.png

Block quote - to add a block quote to a sentence, simply add > at the beginning of the sentence.


\>“When the time comes, the lord Jesus Christ shall return, and only the righteous shall be saved”

Lists - to make an unordered list, all you need to do is to reface each item on the list with a (*) sign, then press enter on every item thereby deleting the commas.

Eg. * Grapes, Oranges, Pineapples, Apples, Guava, Watermelon, Plum, Avocado.

The unordered list will look like this:

  • Grapes

  • Oranges

  • Pineapples

  • Apples

  • Guava

  • Water-melon

  • Plum

  • Avocado

The second type of list can be achieved by prefacing each item with numbers.


  1. Grapes

  2. Oranges

  3. Pineapples

  4. Apples

  5. Guava

  6. Water-melon

  7. Plum

  8. Avocado


Structured text is a programming language that looks more like a pascal programming language. The programs are usually separated by a semi-colon. It is often referred to as ST or STX.

An implementation of structured text allows programmers to create flows that are used to implement ladder logic. It also allows the use of different statements such as while, for, if, etc.

Conclusively, structured text is a high-level language designed for programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs).